Open Enrollment Information 2024-2025

Our full open enrollment policy is linked below.  In summary, open enrollment decisions are made on the availability of space in applicable grade levels and programs, along with considerations of prior academic, behavioral, and attendance criteria.

Red shading indicates open enrollment space is unavailable.
Green shading indicates open enrollment space is available.

Resource: Students in this program require specially designed instruction in one or more specific areas, such as reading, writing, mathematics, and/or speech.

Intensive Resource:
 Students in this program require specialized instruction in life skills and/or in academic areas due to significant delays relative to same-age peers.

English Language:
 Students in this program require targeted instruction in English reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language due to their status as English language learners.

Sierra School:
 Students in this program require specialized instruction to support emotional and/or behavioral needs.

Students in this program require specialized instruction to support emotional and/or behavioral needs.

*Please Note:  Enrollment at Flowing Wells High School after the 10th day of each semester requires transfer grades.