Fine Arts

The Finer Things in Life 

Flowing Wells High School proudly offers extensive Fine Arts programming which creates opportunities for students to acquire basic skills in kinesthetic, musical, spatial, and visual intelligence, applicable to learning in all other subject areas. Research shows not only that the fine arts are beneficial in themselves, but also that their incorporation into a school's curriculum elicits marked improvement in math, reading, science and other subjects. Further, art enhances fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, problem solving skills, lateral thinking, complex analysis and critical thinking skills. And, its FUN! Please join us. There is a place for everyone!

Contact Us
Department Phone: (520) 696-8069

Arts Courses

Music Courses

Theater Courses

Dance Courses

Film History




Theater I

Beginning Dance

Film History

Bella Voce Choir

Advanced Art

Concert Band

Theater II

Intermediate Dance

Caballero Chorus

Band Pomline

Caballero Players

Advanced Dance


Jazz Ensemble Band

Partner Dance

Concert Choir


Momentum Dance


String Orchestra

Pulse Dance

Advanced Orchestra


student playing his instrument

cheerleader performing on the field